In the belief that environmental sustainability is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all, LG has taken significant steps to support green initiatives across the globe. In the Middle East, LG Saudi Arabia hasbacked up the company’s promise to environmental conservation by launching its tree-planting CSR project in association with the ‘Yalla Green’ campaign earlier this year,with the aim of promoting energy efficiency and contributingto a greener last Tuesday.
LG is a leading manufacturer of consumer and commercial products ranging from TVs, home appliances, air solutions, monitors, service robots, automotive components and its premium LG SIGNATURE and intelligent LG ThinQbrands are familiar names world over.
Meaning ‘let’s go together’ in Arabic, the Yalla Green campaign calls attention to effective energy efficiency by introducing a SEER-labelled green air solution lineup. In line with the Saudi Arabian government’s Vision 2030 goals, the availability of LG’s energy-conscious air conditioning products highlights its unwavering mission to preserve natural resources and reduce carbon emissions.
With Shaker, a local distributor of international home appliance brands and the company’s partner in the air conditioner production facility in Riyadh, LG Saudi Arabialaunched its tree-planting initiative, which aims to push Saudi Arabia another step closer to its ambitious environmental objectives. As outlined by the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI), the country aims to plant more than 650 million trees locally by 2030, fostering environmental awareness, promoting energy conservation and creating a greener, more sustainable environment.
The company’s planting events have been well received by LG employees and volunteers, who have participated in large numbers. The initiative not only supports community development but also educates customers on the best energyconservation practices. The company’s commitment in aimingto make both small and large actions for sustainability resonates with Saudi Arabia and fosters a sense of pride among the people taking time out of their lives to do their bitfor a greener future.
With trees planted at Riyadh Province’s Thadiq National Park, participants described the event as both eye-opening and informative, emphasizing the power of cooperation in creating an eco-friendly future.
LG continues to strive to make a positive difference through its energy-efficient solutions and tree planting initiatives. By prioritizing environmental sustainability, the company iscontributing to the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of future generations. Through these concerted efforts, LG demonstrates its dedication to helping bring about a greener and more sustainable world.
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